Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kristin Bell is Hot (and talented)

I saw "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" for the first time back in Phoenix when it first came out. I actually saw it with Warren, Jenny, and our good friend Tim. We all laughed so much during the movie that afterward when we compared notes of what were the funniest lines, we couldn't agree because 1) there were so many good lines, and 2) at various times one of us was laughing so hard we missed the particular line that another one of us was quoting. Needless to say, this movie is great. Or so I thought. After seeing it again, which I committed to do after seeing it in the theater because I wanted to catch all the good lines again, I have to say that this comedy is truly funny, but not as great as I remember. Still, if I were in the DVD buying mood, I would pick this one up. And I still highly recommend it.

View some of the great quotes at My favorite, the one I will be using the most is: "You don't need to put your P in a V right now." "No, I need to B my L all over somone's T's."

A quick summary of the plot is: hot Kristin Bell as Sarah Marshall of the title is a TV actress, star of the hit show, "Crime Scene: Scene of the Crime," is dating Peter Bretter, the soundtrack composer of the show. He is morose and self-loathing. She gets sick of his ass and dumps him. While he is naked. In another post, I will discuss my whole attitude about the nudity, but Warren has prefaced it in his post on "Eastern Promises, Southern Exposure." Oh yeah, Peter Bretter is played by the screenwriter of this movie, Jason Segal. Jason Segal is part of the Judd Apatow stable of compatriots. Judd seems to be getting quite the exposure on this blog. He is the producer of "Sarah Marshall." Warren references him in the Pineapple Express post. And a number of his acting stable make appearances here as well. Jonah Hill (part of the SuperBad twosome) is a waiter at the Hawaiian resort and a loser wannabe rock star. Well, he always plays a loser, I guess. He is really funny here. Paul Rudd, who was memorable in "The Forty-Year-Old Virgin" plays a goofy, loopy, surf instructor. Rudd is always good in anything he does.

Anyway, Peter goes to Hawaii to 'forget Sarah Marshall'. Sarah is at the same resort with a parody-perfect, English, post-rehab, rock star, Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). Peter is encouraged to forget Sarah by pursuing a cute, hotel desk clerk, Rachel Jensen (Mila Kunis). His chief wooing move is to go drinking with her at a local bar where he reveals that he has been working on a rock musical with puppets based on the Dracula story. {Little known fact: Screenwriter Jason Segal actually was working on an irony-free, Dracula, puppet, rock musical and incorporated it into the "Sarah Marshall," script.} Also in the bar, above the Mensroom urinal, is a wall of topless photos of various females who have frequented the bar. Rachel Jensen's photo is there as well. But research after the fact has confirmed that it is not in fact a real photo of Mila Kunis.

Through many hilarious scenes, Peter forgets Sarah, falls in love with Rachel, does something stupid and pisses off Rachel, Aldous Snow is stupid and pisses off Sarah, Sarah's show is cancelled, everyone goes home, Peter puts on his Dracula puppet musical, Rachel sees it and goes backstage, where we see Peter naked again. As they say, what a unique framing device. The movie starts with Jason Segal naked and ends with Jason Segal naked. Bookends. So to speak.

The plot is fairly predictable, but the particular scenes are unexpected and hilarious. The lines, as I said before, are hilarious. This movie, no doubt, will become one where whenever it is on TV I will watch it. Even if it is on network TV and they censor all the language. It just is a really funny movie.


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